Tuesday, October 7, 2008

M40A3 Sniper Rifle

Click HerePernah bercita2 jadi teroris.. kl begitu silakan kesini..
kl ngak berani jadi teroris.. mending punya senjatanya dulu kalee ya

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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Titanic: Riwayatmu KINI

kisah asli titanic
Titanic is probably the best-known ship in modern history. Since sinking in 1912 her story has entered popular culture as a tale of human pride and tragedy.

Titanic was the second of three massive ships built by the White Star Line for the transatlantic passenger trade. At 883 feet long and over 46,000 tons she was the largest ship in the world when she embarked in early April 1912 on her maiden voyage to New York.

papercraft ini kuanggap tingkat Medium.. karena perlu kesabaran
tp bukankah kesabaran adalah emas!!

silakan datang kesini  
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